Our Principal
Dear King City Arts Magnet School Families,
Welcome to the 2023-24 school year!
My name is Tiffany Singh, and I am very excited to join the KCAM team as its Principal. I grew up in King City, and I have been with the district since 1999. My experience includes multiple years as a classroom teacher, English language development coach, reading intervention teacher, curriculum coordinator, and, most recently, seven years as assistant principal at Del Rey School.
The teachers and staff at KCAM are excited to welcome your child back to school. They have spent many hours creating welcoming classroom environments, preparing lessons, and setting up processes and procedures to keep students safe and learning throughout the instructional day.
KCAM has only three school rules. Be safe. Be respectful. Be responsible. We believe that students must be explicitly taught how to conduct themselves at school before they can be held responsible for following the rules. Teachers will take time during the first few weeks to teach your child the procedures and expectations for every location at our school, including the cafeteria, playground, line-up area, and classroom.
We want you to know about our expectations and shared responsibilities so we have included that information in this handbook. We know that when everyone understands and follows the rules and expectations at school, students are set up for a productive year of learning and growing.
On behalf of myself and the King City Arts Magnet School staff, we look forward to working collaboratively with you to ensure a successful educational experience for your child. We are eager to get our new school year off to an “otterly” awesome start!
Tiffany Singh, King City Arts Magnet School Principal
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